Indonesian Snacks

Pempek Kapal Selam

Rp 50,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 2 pcs : 500gr
Material Content: Ingredients for Pempek: Fresh fish, tapioca flour, water, sugar, salt and eggs. Ingredients for Cuko: Coconut sugar, cayenne pepper, garlic, water, tamarind, sugar and salt
Variant / Flavor: savory

Palembang people call pempek kapal selam with pempek telok besak, which means pempek filled with chicken eggs. When put in the water pempek will sink to the bottom of the pot

Pempek Cek Putri Sumatra Selatan

MSME Profile

Pempek Cek Putri is a micro business engaged in the culinary field located in Palembang, South Sumatra. The culinary is Palembang's special food, namely Pempek and its derivatives, while Pempek derivatives include: Model, Tekwan, Laksan and Celimpungan.