Indonesian Snacks

Sari Lemon Limuni

Rp 50,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 250 ml
Material Content: Lemon Extract, Water
Variant / Flavor: Original

Lemon juice lemonade is made from selected lemons with a strong sour taste typical of lemons, which is rich in vitamin C. Lemon Juice Limuni is the perfect drink for all occasions - whether relaxing at home, enjoying a picnic with friends, or when you need a refreshing drink in the middle of your busy life.

Musani Indonesia Sulawesi Tenggara

MSME Profile

Planting lemons is regarded less economical because the maintaining expenses exceeds the profit gained. As a result, in order to raise the selling price of lemons, a processed lemon product, called lemon juice, is created. The advantage of these business that their products have great export potential.