Nusantara Coffee Creation

Kopi Arabika Ndorog Bubuk

Rp 45,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 250
Ingredients: kopi
Type of Coffee: Arabika
Coffee Processing Method: Natural
Coffee Processing Method: Dry Hulling
Roasting Rate: Medium-Dark Roast

MSME Profile

Ndorog Coffee is an original coffee brand from Semagar Village, Wonogiri managed by Gapoktan Segar from cultivation, processing, to product marketing. The word Ndorog is derived from the land name in Semagar Village which is on the southern slope of Mount Lawu with an elevation of above 850 masl. The concistency of the growth and development of Ndorog Coffee is always maintained well so that it produces coffee beans with the distinctive taste of the southern Lawu slope coffee.