CV. Poki Cahaya Abadi
Nusantara Coffee Creation
Sulawesi Barat
Starting from the experience of the owner who found Mamasa Coffee (coffee from the owner's area of origin) among a series of coffees being sold in Bali, the idea arose to form his own Mamasa coffee processing business, seeing its great potential. So that in 2015 CV. Poki Cahaya Abadi which produces Mamasa coffee under the brand name "Pokiringan Coffee". At first, this business only served small-scale fried-grind coffee services, but later developed into a coffee processing business that produces one of the best coffees in West Sulawesi. This is evidenced by the high Cupping Score, namely Specialty Coffee of America Full-wash (80) and AEKI (full-wash = 85.83; natural = 85) and Robusta Natural (87.94) won second place Nationally).
Mika Pokiringan Bombong
Osango Turunan Jln. Dusun Osango I, Desa Osango, Kec. Mamasa, Kab. Mamasa, Sulawesi Barat