
Kalung Koin Set

Rp 17.000.000

Deskripsi Produk :

Dimensi: -
Ukuran: -
Jenis Bahan: perak, zirkonia cubic, gold plated

Perhiasan ini bentuk dari akulturasi budaya dijaman dahulu dimana emas berbentuk koin. Banyak perempuan-perempuan jaman dahulu memakai perhiasan koin sebagai ciri dan status sosial sehingga Pyo Jewelry mereplika koin emas tersebut dengan bahan perak dan juga mendesaignnya dengan tmabahn motif daun bunga dan permata zircon sehingga harganya tidak terlalu mahal seperti emas murni

Pyo Jewelry Sumatera Selatan

Profil UMKM

As a jewelry business that runs in this era of globalization, Pyo Jewelry must compete with others by highlighting its strengths. The business, started by Luthfia Fataty since 2015, offers two main collections; 'Heritage' and 'Contemporary'. 'Heritage' is made with pride in Indonesian culture. Antique jewelries, as well as replicas of historical jewelry deigns of the archipelago, such as Sriwijaya accessories, anak ayam necklaces, and tapak jajo necklaces are some of the products that can be found under the 'Heritage' line. Through the second line, 'Contemporary',