
Selendang Minimalis

Rp 450.000

Deskripsi Produk :

Jenis Kain: Bordir
Nama Motif: Bunga Setangkai
Makna Motif: The motif of a single flower represents simplicity in beauty. It embodies the idea that beauty can be found in the simplest things and that elegance can be achieved through uncomplicated and unassuming elements. The motif of a single flower symbolizes the appreciation of the subtle and unpretentious aspects of nature's beauty, reflecting the cultural value of finding joy and aesthetics in simplicity. It serves as a reminder to embrace the charm of modesty and understated elegance, appreciating the small details that contribute to the overall beauty of life. In this context, the motif of a single flower celebrates the notion that true beauty often lies in the unadorned and uncomplicated aspects of nature and existence.
Jenis Bahan: Maxmara Silky
Ukuran: 200 cm x 40 cm
Jenis Pewarnaan: Pewarna Sintetis
Teknik Pembuatan Kain: Bordir manual

Chaky Stary Sumatera Barat

Profil UMKM

Chaky Stary didirikan pada Desember 2017. Awalnya, saya membuat renda handmade tanpa tahu cara menjualnya. Lalu, mencoba selendang bordiran mesin digital dan sukses terjual. Produksi meningkat menjadi 4 lusin selendang per bulan. Penjualan melonjak, lebih dari 30 selendang terjual setiap bulan. Saya diundang sebagai pengajar renda handmade di sentra kriya tenun Minangkabau. Pada 2019, berpartisipasi di acara Inacraft di Payakumbuh. Selendang kombinasi renda khas Minangkabau diminati masyarakat, bisa pesan warna, model, ukuran. Produksi renda premium dengan motif unik.