
Kain Bahan Baju Sulaman Kapalo Samek Rafflesia

Rp 450.000

Deskripsi Produk :

Jenis Kain: Sulaman
Nama Motif: Bunga Rafflesia
Makna Motif: The development of the Rafflesia Flower, typical of West Sumatra, embroidered with Kapala Samek, results in a truly unique and exceptional work of art. The Rafflesia Flower itself is renowned for its distinctiveness and uniqueness. It is known as the largest flower in the world and possesses a distinctive aroma. In the embroidery technique using Kapala Samek, artisans use brightly colored gradient threads to meticulously embroider the Rafflesia Flower motif onto the fabric. The use of Kapala Samek, which is thin metal thread that adds a special gleam, enhances the elegance and beauty of this artwork. The outcome of this development is a mesmerizing embroidered artwork that showcases the brilliance of the Rafflesia Flower's beauty and uniqueness. The process of its creation demands high patience and dedication from the artisans, taking several months to complete a single piece. This artwork stands as a symbol of the cultural and natural richness of West Sumatra and the high skill level of the local artisans. Furthermore, it serves to promote the beauty and distinctiveness of the Rafflesia Flower and Kapala Samek to a wider audience and can become a fascinating tourist attraction for West Sumatra.
Jenis Bahan: Maxmara
Ukuran: 300 cm x 150 cm
Jenis Pewarnaan: Pewarna Sintetis
Teknik Pembuatan Kain: Handmade

Chacha Sulaman Sumatera Barat

Profil UMKM

Chacha Sulaman berdiri pada tahun 2015 yang diawali dengan membantu pemasaran produk pengrajin lokal melalui media sosial. Selanjutnya mulai mengembangkan produk dengan terus menjaga keasrian dan keaslian kerajinan tangan itu sendiri. Sehingga sulaman tangan khas kotogadang tetap diminati dan terjaga kebudayaannya meski bersaing dengan teknologi mesin yang sekarang sudah banyak berkembang. Sulaman sendiri banyak membantu meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat karena dapat dikerjakan oleh Ibu-Ibu