Kopi Nangka
Net Weight: 100 gram
Ingredients: Kopi Murni
Type of Coffee: Liberika
Coffee Processing Method: Natural
Coffee Processing Method: Wet Hulling
Roasting Rate: Medium-Dark Roast
MSME Profile
CV. Yuam Roasted Coffee is a social entrepreneurship with a service subsidization business model. The company sells products produced by assisted forest farmers to develop the company and finance the company's social programs. The company was founded with the initial enthusiasm to help improve the welfare of forest farmers as well as the responsibility of forest farmers to environmental sustainability, especially in the hilly areas of South Serayu and South Gombong Karst. From the environmental aspect, the agroforestry (agroforestry) of wood - coffee - spices & empon-empon developed by farmers is able to reduce the danger of erosion and landslides. Unfortunately, from the economic aspect, the harvest has not been able to improve welfare.