Indonesian Snacks

Vioche Curcuma

Rp 20,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 50 g
Material Content: Curcuma
Variant / Flavor: Curcuma

New breakthrough from Yoris. Original temulawak powder without sugar mixture made from selected ingredients without preservatives and coloring, so it can be used as a cooking spice and can be brewed with a dose of sugar according to the body's immune needs.

Yoris Kediri

MSME Profile

Yoris was founded in 2016, starting with a very low ginger price. Then it is used as a ready-to-brew instant drink so that the selling value of ginger and the income of spice farmers in Pacitan can increase. Then in 2021 Yoris developed a new product innovation with the original version called "Vioche", so that it can be used for ready-to-serve brewed drinks with the required amount of sugar, and can be used as a cooking spice