
Candle Holder / Wadah Lilin Oey Sor Tjoen

Rp 420,000

Product Description :

Dimension: 12 x 17 x 12 cm - 2 Kg
Material Type: Enamel

Motif batik Oey Soe Tjoen atau OST telah mengharumkan Pekalongan sebagai sentra batik. Bercirikan goresan yang ditarik rapi dan isen-isen mendetail, motif ini menjadi mahakarya yang terkenal hingga ke penjuru dunia. Lewat tempat lilin ini, warisan OST diabadikan. Tempelkan ke dinding dan hadirkan suasana tenteram penuh kenangan di ruang favorit Anda.

Wastraloka Di Yogyakarta

MSME Profile

Wastraloka originates from Sanskrit words. Wastra means a traditional fabric of the Nusantara Archipelago. Loka means heaven. Hence, Wastraloka is denoted as the motif heaven of Nusantara traditional fabrics. Commencing from the dreams to introduce the diversity of traditional fabric motifs of Nusantara, we came up with the ideas of making products touched up with paintings which illustrate Indonesia’s rich culture. Such can be seen on our decoration and gift products. From then on, Wastraloka proudly presents the unique, authentic decoration and gift products; summed up as unforgettable crafts.