Indonesian Snacks

Kacang Crispy (Krisna)

Rp 15,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 150 gr
Material Content: Kacang tanah, Tepung terigu, Gula pasir, Bawang putih, Minyak sayur, Telur dan Garam
Variant / Flavor: Original, Pedas, Barbeque, Keju dan Coklat

Kacang Crispy dibuat dari kacang tanah pilihan terbaik, diproses secara higienis dan memiliki lima varian rasa

MSME Profile

This UMKM stands in line with the enthusiasm and aspirations of the owner (Mrs. Hamdana) to create jobs and improve the welfare of many people. The products produced include various snacks, fried onions, and ant sugar.