Tiasafara Boutique
Tiasafara was founded in April 2016, driven by the owner's need for modest clothing (pakaian syari). It started as an online business through Instagram, and later expanded to include offline sales. In June 2016, Tiasafara opened an offline boutique located in Ciamis regency. One distinctive feature of Tiasafara's products is their Muslim syar'i attire with handcrafted embroidery. Additionally, Tiasafara incorporates digital print motifs as their signature style. With the intention of spreading Islamic values (syiar), Tiasafara's products aim to fulfill the clothing needs of Indonesian Muslim women.
- tiasafara_boutique
- tiasafaraboutique
- E-commerce
- Neni Nur Effendi
- HP
- Telp
- Jl.Jendral Sudirman (Depan SMKN 1) Ciamis
- neni.effendi@gmail.com