
Bahan Dasar Baju Pria/Wanita Krem Motif Lurik

Rp 500,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Tenun
Pattern Name: Salompek
Pattern Meaning: The "salompok" motif features geometric chain-like shapes that interlace or intertwine, often created in pairs with opposing directions. This decorative motif embodies the philosophy that in achieving goals, one must go through a gradual and step-by-step process. Each step is taken sequentially and interconnected, similar to the links in a chain forming the salompok pattern. The message behind this motif is the importance of patience, perseverance, and hard work in attaining success. Just like the interconnected steps in the salompok, each action taken is part of a sequence leading towards the ultimate goal. Through gradual effort and hard work, one can achieve desired outcomes and attain success. The salompok motif reflects the values highly valued in Minangkabau culture, where a gradual approach and patience are considered essential in achieving success and happiness in life.
Material Type: Katun campur Viscose
Size: 280 x 100
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis
Fabric Making Technique: ATBM

Tenun Balai Panjang Sumatra Barat

MSME Profile

Tenun Balai Panjang was established in 2015 through a joint agreement among the weavers in Balai Panjang to create distinctive products that represent Payakumbuh, particularly in the vicinity of Balai Panjang. Its flagship products are clothing materials for both men and women, using materials such as Mesrais cotton yarn and viscose rayon. The weavers, primarily from Balai Panjang, are the key contributors to this craft. The establishment of Balai Panjang Weaving aims to empower local weavers and enhance their well-being.