
Pashmina Ecoprint ATBM

Rp 250,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Ecoprint
Pattern Name: Tropical Ecoprint
Pattern Meaning: Depicts tropical leaves and flowers that are blooming at the beginning of the rainy season such as kenikir, Dutch jasmine, as well as leaves that are fresh again because of being splashed with rain such as African leaves, kenikir, suren, castor, mintoar, etc. which look beautiful with color - the original color.
Material Type: Katun
Size: 200x 65cm
Coloring Type: Pewarna Alam
Fabric Making Technique: Ecoprint dengan teknik basic dan kukus (Scouring, mordanting, ecoprint, kukus, oksidasi, fixasi)

Swarnabhumi Kediri

MSME Profile

Swarnabhumi Eco-fashion which is one of the production lines of CV Adikarya that empowers many farming families, especially farmer mothers, by utilizing local resources around them, by making environmentally friendly fabric-processed art creations. The products produced are in the form of ecoprint creations and hand-written batik in natural colors, with a collection of various ready-to-wear fabrics, in the form of outerwear, shirts, pashmina, bags, etc.