
Kain Bordir Motif Tapak Seleman

Rp 2,000,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Bordir
Pattern Name: Tapak Seleman
Pattern Meaning: Tapak Seleman means the footprints of Prophet Solomon. Inspired by the majesty and miracles of Prophet Solomon who could speak with all beings and hear promptings from near and far. Acehnese people interpret this motif as a symbol of supernatural nature, splendor, power, justice, and protection.
Material Type: Viscose
Size: 180X120
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis
Fabric Making Technique: Kombinasi

MSME Profile

In the 1990s, an embroidery craft community was formed in Reudeup Village, Montasik, Aceh Besar. Mrs. Surita the pioneer of Surita embroidery, started this business because of her interest in embroidery crafts. With the help of local mothers, Aceh embroidery crafts can develop. The designs produced by Surita Embroidery are pretty diverse, including floral motifs, geometric motifs typical of Aceh, etc. Surita Embroidery is a work with high selling value because it is still done manually by embroidery craftsmen. In addition to good design, neatness, color combination, fixed processing time, and good customer service, this business continues to grow and is in demand.