
Kain Batik Bali Gunung SOLOPUTRI

Rp 750,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Batik
Pattern Name: Batik Bali Gunung
Pattern Meaning: Batik Bali Gunung SOLOPUTRI merupakan kolaborasi dengan illustrator muda berbakat. Terinspirasi dari pemandangan alam pegunungan di Bali. Dari sawah terasering di Ubud Bali, Penjor, Bokor Tari Pendet, Pura, Barong, Monyet Sangeh dengan Gebogan, Kokokan, Teratai, dan lain-lain, hingga Bintang, Awan dan Hujan. Design Bali Gunung SOLOPUTRI untuk mensupport G20 2022 di Bali, dengan harapan Bali dapat kembali bangkit akibat Pandemi Covid-19. Tehnik batik lilin dingin ini juga tersedia dengan alternatif kombinasi tehnik ikat celup.
Material Type: Katun
Size: 220x110
Coloring Type: Pewarna Alam
Fabric Making Technique: Kombinasi

Soloputri DKI Jakarta

MSME Profile

Soloputri is an artisanal natural hand dyed indigo textile that uses ancient techniques to create ethical sustainable textile patterns for contemporary use. Our mission is to promote cultural preservation and empower local artisans in Indonesia, to provide a sustainable, dignified living using skills passed down through generations. Their creation embody timeless technique with both traditional and modern design in the production of works of art. We hope that the love and appreciation for Indonesian culture and craftsmanship will pass on through generations. By using our products, you will not only help save the environment, but also preserve the culture and empower woman artisans by creating a market for their work.