Indonesian Snacks

Gula Semut Ekstrak Jahe

Rp 30,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 250gram
Material Content: Nira Kelapa, Jahe, Kulit Manggis
Variant / Flavor: Ekstrak Jahe

Gula semut jahe organik asli terbuat dari 100% kelapa organik Sebagai alternatif alami berkhasiat untuk semua kebutuhan pemanis Anda.
Memiliki Indeks rendah Glycemic (GI) rendah dibanding pemanis lainya.

Gula Semut Ektrak Jahe Memiliki Manfaat;
1. Membantu pencernaan, meredakan mual, dan meningkatkan sistem kekbalan tubuh
2. Mempunyai sifat anti-inflamasi, meredakan nyeri ditubuh
3. Sebagai penambah suplemen buatan sendiri atau racikan lainya
4. Menghangatkan tubuh
5. Meredakan tenggorokan
6. Meredakan flu dan batuk

Semedo Manise Purwokerto

MSME Profile

Semedo manise is one of the largest producers of coconut sugar in Banyumas regency with a production capacity of 100 tons per month. And also produce coconut sugar with varied flavors such as ginger sugar, spice sugar, kaempferia galanga sugar etc. We dedicated to collaborate with more than 1000 farmers in the semedo village for the sinergy for better life, to be able to produce the best organic and natural product with modern and standarts for international quality. Our Company’s commitment to contribute in social environments and economics area is a responsibility for better life. many people have the hope of having a good life and we are here for them. We commit for building our farmers and sustainability environment.