Indonesian Snacks

Crispy Jamur Tiram

Rp 15,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 120 gram
Material Content: jamur tiram putih, tepung terigu, tepung mocaf. gula, garam, minyak nabati merica bubuk bawang putih dan bumbu kaldu ayam
Variant / Flavor: original, balado dan andaliman

Qorry Mushroom House is a business from Upstream to Downstream, ranging from oyster mushroom nurseries to processed food, such as crispy oyster mushrooms there are 3 flavor variants, namely the original taste of balado and andaliman and have obtained permission from Dep case, NIB and Halal MUI, the crispy taste of mushrooms is very good in demand from within the city to outside the city. Crispy oyster mushrooms are different from other crispy oyster mushrooms because they use mocaf flour or cassava flour which is fermented into mocaf flour.

Rumah Jamur Qorry Pematangsiantar

MSME Profile

Qorry Mushroom House was founded in 2013. Qorry Mushroom House is a company that covers all stages of the value chain, from sowing to processed foods such as crispy mushrooms and mushroom sticks.