
Sa'be Hat

Rp 100,000

Product Description :

Dimension: 60 cm
Material Type: Kain tenun Mandar

Topi bundar dengan desain model yang kasual dan kekinian, cocok dikenakan dalam acara outdoor

Ruang Budaya Burapia Sulawesi Barat

MSME Profile

The establishment of the Bura'pia UMKM started in 2017 where the owner had an interest in cultured products and started making tote bags with a mixture of Mandar woven fabrics. This became the forerunner to the formation of "Bura'pia Cultural Space", a contemporary community engaged in the arts, culture and social fields, which was pioneered by 3 sisters. In February 2020, this community officially launched Bura'pia products, which consist of fashion accessories such as bags and hats.