Indonesian Snacks

Kenari Goreng (Fried walnuts)

Rp 25,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 75 gr
Material Content: Kenari, Gula dan Susu (Walnuts, sugar and milk)
Variant / Flavor: Original

The Fried walnuts are a product of Rhoa Z whose raw materials are of the best quality in Eastern Indonesia, namely from Makian Island. It is known that walnuts include additional ingredients in cooking, usually added in making fish or cakes. In South Halmahera (Makian), usually the walnuts are ground and then eaten directly or processed into walnut halua. With that, an interest arose to process walnuts with a new variation, namely the Walnut Variant of Flavor.

Rhoa Z Maluku Utara

MSME Profile

Rhoa Z was founded in 2019, starting with producing products from processed nuts, and processed products made from nutmeg. The name Rhoa Z has its own history, namely originating or being inspired by the name of an MSME competition team in which one of the members is the owner of the Rhoa Z UMKM itself, Mrs. Fatma Abubakar.