Indonesian Snacks

Rendang Daging Sapi Iris

Rp 79,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 250 gr
Material Content: Beef, shallots, garlic, ginger, galangal, chili, coconut milk, candlenuts, bay leaves, turmeric leaves, kaffir lime leaves, lemongrass, spices, and salt.
Variant / Flavor: Spicy (Pedas Standar)

Rendang Daging Sapi Iris Unikayo is made from high-quality local beef sourced from the Modern Slaughterhouse in Kota Payakumbuh and processed with Unikayo's special spices, resulting in an authentic flavor with tender texture.

Why should you choose Rendang Daging Sapi Iris Unikayo?

Because Rendang Daging Sapi Iris Unikayo:
- Uses locally sourced beef
- Contains no preservatives
- Has no MSG
- Is Halal certified
- Has PIRT certification from the Payakumbuh Health Department
- Has a standard level of spiciness
- Has a shelf life of 9 months at room temperature and 1 year in the freezer
- Comes in convenient packaging, suitable for home stock or as a travel meal, and also great for gifts, hampers, and souvenirs
- Goes well with various dishes, such as:
 - Warm rice
 - Fried noodles
 - Boiled noodles
 - Fried rice
 - Meatballs
 - Burgers, and more.

Rendang Unikayo Sumatra Barat

MSME Profile

Unikayo, founded by Laurencia De Richo in June 2020 in Payakumbuh, West Sumatra. It provides a solution for the younger generation, especially millennials and Gen Z, who are unable to cook rendang, endangering the preservation of Indonesian culinary heritage. The main products include Instant Rendang Seasoning, Sliced Beef Rendang, Shredded Mushroom Rendang, Jengkol Rendang, and Tuna Rendang. Sourced from local community groups and women farmers. The packaging is four-layered, certified halal and BPOM, with a shelf life of up to 9 months. Digital marketing through websites, social media, and marketplaces, expanding to domestic and export markets. Unikayo is committed to building the future and developing local potential.