
Pending Burung Hong

Rp 1,500,000

Product Description :

Dimension: -
Size: -
Material Type: tembaga, gold plated

Pending merupkan ikat pinggang yang berebntuk lempengan emas terinspirasi untuk mengreplika dengan motif burung hong hingga disebut pending/badong

Pyo Jewelry Sumatra Selatan

MSME Profile

As a jewelry business that runs in this era of globalization, Pyo Jewelry must compete with others by highlighting its strengths. The business, started by Luthfia Fataty since 2015, offers two main collections; 'Heritage' and 'Contemporary'. 'Heritage' is made with pride in Indonesian culture. Antique jewelries, as well as replicas of historical jewelry deigns of the archipelago, such as Sriwijaya accessories, anak ayam necklaces, and tapak jajo necklaces are some of the products that can be found under the 'Heritage' line. Through the second line, 'Contemporary',