
Dayak Carving Stamp Batik

Rp 350,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Batik
Pattern Name: Dayak Carving
Pattern Meaning: The Dayak Carving motif is inspired by the carvings found in the traditional homes of the indigenous Dayak tribe in East Kalimantan. This motif showcases one of the stories of the Dayak people, where they possess a rich tradition of wood carving closely connected to nature. These carvings hold significant meaning as symbols of the Dayak tribe's beliefs and are commonly used in the interior decorations of houses, household items, and other artistic creations. This motif is also a fundamental pattern of the compilation of the dragon motif known as "jata" or "juata," which holds sacred meaning as it represents the ruler of the underworld or water, holding strong ethnic and artistic value.
Material Type: Katun
Size: 250 x 125
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis
Fabric Making Technique: Cap

Putri Maluang Kalimantan Timur

MSME Profile

Putri Maluang Batik is one of the batik producers located in East Kalimantan, specifically in Berau Regency. Putri Maluang Batik showcases the richness of nature and tourism in East Kalimantan. Their products carry the slogan "strokes of love stories," which means that each motif created on fabric, clothing, scarves, and hats has its own story or philosophy. Each pattern is made with heart and love, resulting in exceptional artwork. Putri Maluang Batik produces high-quality batik that meets the Indonesian National Standards (SNI), and some of their motifs are copyrighted and have won national-level fashion shows.