Indonesian Snacks

Organic Moringa Robusta Coffee Powder

Rp 40,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 100
Material Content: Moringa Powder, Robusta Coffee Powder
Variant / Flavor: Original Moringa Coffee

PT. Moringa Organik Indonesia is the first pioneer and developer of processed moringa products in Indonesia. Over the past 12 years, we have managed to find a method that manages to maintain the integrity of this magical plant which we call the "Moringa Nutrition Lock Method".

Moringa Coffee Original is a fine Royal Moringa Moringa Leaf Powder brewed drink with
addition of self-processed coffee. Kelor Coffee comes from carefully roasted coffee beans
traditional, then floured. Contains 18 naturally occurring Amino Acids from Royal Moringa.

The addition of Royal Moringa creates a unique taste to the coffee brew.
Coffee Moringa is known as an energy booster that awakens enthusiasm in the morning. Stamina will feel better after consuming Moringa coffee. Apart from being a mood booster and building body strength.

Several studies have shown that Moringa Coffee avoids Parkinson's disease and improves brain function. Starting the day by drinking Moringa coffee is very good for coffee lovers.

Serving Suggestions:
✅ Moringa coffee can be made and served with a variety of creativity to make a barista-style brew, the difference is only in its unique taste, even for those who like bitter coffee.
✅ Start making with a measure of 100 ml of water + 1 sachet, then add according to taste, more delicious with brown sugar or ant sugar.

MSME Profile

PT. Moringa Organik Indonesia (MOI). We are a herbal moringa-based company dedicated to producing high-quality products while creating a profound social impact. At MOI, we are driven by a deep-rooted passion for moringa and its extraordinary potential. But we are more than just a company. We are a movement, a catalyst for change, and a beacon of empowerment