Indonesian Snacks

Pisang Coklat Lumer

Rp 16,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 400gr
Material Content: Pisang, Coklat dan Lapisan kulit lumpia dari bahan dasar tepungg
Variant / Flavor: Coklat Full

Melted piscok has become a favorite among sweet tooths in Indonesia. The combination of banana, chocolate, and soft texture makes it an appetizing snack.

What distinguishes piscok lumer from regular piscok is the chocolate filling inside that melts when bitten. The chocolate used is a chocolate filling that melts when the hot piscok is eaten.

MSME Profile

Damory is a name, an abbreviation of Uda Mory. We have a desire to advance an economically blessed and abundant society through the path of trade, with a foundation of Halal and Thayib towards the best zizwaf. Damory Food Indonesia is an active home industry company operating in the culinary field. It is one of the frozen food producers located in Banten. The company was established in 2017 by Mori Satria, an honorary religious teacher who has the motto: "Living Noble, Beneficial, and Meaningful." Damory's products have obtained a halal certificate from LPPOM MUI and also certification and distribution permits from BPOM.