Indonesian Snacks

Bina Apiari Permen Madu plus Eucalyptus

Rp 30,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 50gr
Material Content: gula, glukosa, madu, ekstrak eucalyptus
Variant / Flavor: Eucalyptus

Honey Eucalyptus Candy by Bina Apiari is the perfect combination of pure natural honey and eucalyptus leaf extract.

The natural honey used in the making of this candy not only provides a delicious sweet taste but also contains many essential nutrients that are good for your health.

The presence of eucalyptus in this candy provides additional benefits. Eucalyptus has long been known for its properties that can help relieve respiratory disorders and freshen breath.

Honey Eucalyptus Candy by Bina Apiari is a good choice for maintaining your health. The natural honey in this candy has antioxidant and antibacterial properties, while eucalyptus can help cleanse the respiratory tract.

This product is suitable for all ages and can be consumed at any time. Whether you're busy at the office, outside the house, or even during physical activities, this candy can be a loyal companion to provide a pleasant and beneficial sensation.

Madu Bina Apiari DKI Jakarta

MSME Profile

Bina Apiari Indonesia was founded in 1980 by one of the pioneers of the National Apiculture Movement, Mr. H. Bambang Soekartiko. Currently, Bina Apiari is managed by the founder's daughter, Dianita K. Kartika. The vision of Bina Apiari is to contribute to the preservation of Indonesia's natural environment through apiculture activities that produce economic and health-beneficial products for the community. We are determined to sustain the biodiversity of Indonesia, particularly honey bees, by offering local honey bee products that are of equal quality and benefits as those from foreign products. Our products include Pure Honey, Honey with Royal Jelly, 3in1 Honey, Propolis Honey, Bee Pollen, Bee Bread, Royal Jelly, and Liquid Propolis.