Ma Eteh

Fabric Kepulauan Riau
The Kurnia Community Learning Activity Center (PKBM) has a brand with the name "Mak Eteh" which produces CUAL fabrics, namely woven fabrics native to the Anambas archipelago (formerly known as SIANTAN). Cual cloth veil is the first woven cloth woven by Hj. Halimah (H.Abdurahman's wife) in Teluk Encau village (now Siantan Timur district) in 1863. The distinctive motif is SAMPAN LAYAR, which depicts Siantan Island as a group of islands which are a unifying symbol and canoe transportation which is part of the life of the Siantan people (anambas). Songket Motif Cual Anambas are all done by the skilled hands of women.