Table Runner
Dimension: 180 x 30 cm
Material Type: Lidi Nipah
Alas meja yang terbuat dari rajutan lidi nipah yang akan memberikan nuansa alami dalam sebagai alas meja anda
MSME Profile
Deshanda Lidi Nipah is a craft that processes Nipah sticks into several products specializing in home decor and started production at the end of 2020. Deshanda's products include laundry basket, wall mirror, tissue box, table runner, lampshade, fruit basket, bottle basket, pot, etc. Deshanda strongly emphasizes the principle of eco green, making natural products that are environmentally friendly and aesthetic, and using raw materials that are 100% in Bangka Belitung. Deshanda Craft products are environmentally friendly products, processed by the local community and have the potential to be exported.