Indonesian Snacks

Woh Keripik Tempe BBQ 50 gram (Woh Tempeh BBQ 50 gram)

Rp 30,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 50
Material Content: Tempeh, palm oil, BBQ Seasoning
Variant / Flavor: BBQ

Woh Tempeh BBQ 50 gram

Tempeh Is one of the SUPER FOOD which Rich in Calcium, protein, Iron and Dietary Fiber. Good for adults and children.

Tempeh is a fermented soy product that’s high in protein, prebiotics and a wide array of vitamins and minerals, tempeh is a versatile ingredient that comes with a variety of health benefits.

Our tempeh chips give healthier choice of snacks.

Third Place Best Booth Presentation Fruit Indonesia 2016 by Ministry of Agriculture
First Place Export Start-Up 2017 by Ministry of Trade
Guest Speaker in Morning Business Trans TV 2015 and E-business Channel El-shinta TV 2017

Fruit Indonesia 2016
Nanning China 2016
Trade Expo Indonesia 2017-2019
SIAL Interfood 2017-2019
Indonesian Week in Malaysia 2016-2017
Indonesian Week in Singapore 2018-2019
Taiwan Halal International Expo 2017-2018
Malaysia Halal International Expo 2018-2019
Santri Enterprenuer Expo 2018
Agrinex 2018
Guandong and Macau Branded Products 26-28 Jully 2019
Indonesian Week and Business Matching in Moscow Russia 1-4 August 2019

Woh natural and deliciously Crunchy

Kultiva DKI Jakarta

MSME Profile

Kultiva Co. berdiri di akhir tahun 2016, kami memulai usaha kami setelah melihat bagaimana di pasar eksport kualitas produk UKM Indonesia sudah baik, tetapi secara packaging dan sertifikasi international sangat kurang. Kami akhirnya memulai membangun brand Woh (yang berasal dari Bahasa Jawa "woh-wohan" yang artinya buah). Kami berharap produk Woh bisa mengenalkan buah dari bumi Indonesia, dan ber"buah" baik buat kami dan komunitas sekitar kami. Produk unggulan kami adalah Keripik Tempe, Ubi Ungu, Pisang, Nangka dan Kulit Ikan. Kami saat ini sudah dieksport ke 7 negara: Australia, Singapura, Cina, Taiwan, Malaysia, Canada dan USA. Produk kami bersertifikat halal, PIRT, BPOM, HACCP, FSSC22000 Stage 1.