
Batik Tulis Banyumasan

Rp 900,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Batik
Pattern Name: Sida Luhur
Pattern Meaning: Motif batik Sidoluhur mempunyai makna keluhuran. Bagi orang Jawa, hidup memang untuk mencari keluhuran materi dan non materi. Keluhuran materi artinya bisa tercukupi segala kebutuhan ragawi dengan bekerja keras sesuai dengan jabatan, pangkat, derajat, maupun profesinya.
Material Type: Katun
Size: 240 x 110 cm
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis
Fabric Making Technique: Tulis

KUB Pringmas Purwokerto

MSME Profile

Batik Banyumasan began to develop when the Prince Diponegoro was on the run in Banyumas, at the time of war. His followers called Narenda taught the people around him how to make batik. Ever since then, the batik thrives on Sokaraja (Banyumas). Batik motifs made by artisans have a distinctive characteristic of batik Banyumasan. The colors used are brown “soga” and blue” wedelan”. KUB Pringmas is one of a massive group that producing classic and contemporary Batik Banyumasan and has 147 members. The business stands in 2013, through female empowerment programs and ex-migrant workers.