
Kain Tenun

Rp 150,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Tenun
Pattern Name: Pangulu
Pattern Meaning: Pangulu artinya orang yang dituakan pada jaman kerajaan dahulu, motif ini motif yang hanya digunakan orang dituakan pada jaman kerajaan
Material Type: Viscose
Size: 360x60
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis
Fabric Making Technique: ATBM

KUB Mandar Sutera Sulawesi Barat

MSME Profile

It all started with the owner's desire to make Mandar (West Sulawesi's native tribe) woven into a product that could compete in the market and become a superior product of West Sulawesi. KUB Mandar Sutera produces woven fabrics that are woven manually by the local community. It doesn't just stop there, the woven fabric is then also processed into shirts, pouches, bags and other fashion accessories.