Nusantara Coffee Creation

Arbilest Arabika Natural

Rp 60,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 250 gr
Ingredients: Premium Coffee Beans
Type of Coffee: Arabika
Coffee Processing Method: Natural
Coffee Processing Method: Dry Hulling
Roasting Rate: Medium Roast

MSME Profile

Koperasi Gunung Buthak is premium quality coffee product from coffee plantation of Buthak Mount Blitar. Coffee is a drink thot comes from processing and coffee beon extroction. The word coffee first oppeored in Arobic, with the nome Qohwah which meons strength. This is reosonoble because coffee ot thot time wos used as coffee high energy food. Loter in turkey, coffee come to meon os kohveh. When the Dutch toste coffee, they... coll it coffee. Koffie becomes coffee in Indonesia. Bosed on historical records, block coffee has been known since 1000 BC os on energy ond nutritious drink discovered by the Ethiopions on the plains of the African continent. But then block coffee plonts ore still consumed directly, no processed into block coffee drinks but eaten. Just then ofter block coffee entered Arobic then block coffee wos served os a delicious and refreshing drink.