Indonesian Snacks
Assorted Auraja Chips
Rp 25,000
Product Description :
Net Weight: 200 gr
Material Content: Cassava, sugar, salt, chili
Variant / Flavor: Balado
Keripik Auraja
MSME Profile
Auraja chips which is located in Jl.Taruna keluharan Padang Bulan Kecamatan.Ranto Utara, Ranto perapat Labuhan batu district. Aoraja chips have been around since 2018 until now. different flavors from processed cassava chips, to various nuts marketed in the Labuhan Batu Raya region. We hope that in the future, Aoraja's various cassava chips can become a typical souvenir of Labuhan Batu that can penetrate foreign and national markets.