Indonesian Snacks

Kanela Sambal Roa Manado

Rp 50,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 200 gr
Material Content: Roa Fish, Chilli, Onions, Coconut Oil, Salt
Variant / Flavor: Spicy

Kanela presents Sambal Roa Manado with premium quality because it is made from smoked Roa fish meat (boneless, skin, tail, head) which is formulated with selected kitchen spices and premium palm oil. Sambal Roa Manado is perfect for eating warm white rice, fried/boiled banana dip, fried noodle mix, Manado porridge, and so on.

Kanela Sulawesi Utara

MSME Profile

Kanela started his Sambal Roa business in 2017. The product appeared to be made by looking at the opportunities for typical Manado souvenirs which are liked by local tourists and requests from outside Manado. Kanela is one of the favorite Sambal Roa souvenirs from the city of Manado.