
Tara Sumbu Filosofi Series

Rp 1,030,000

Product Description :

Dimension: Pendant : 7 x 12 cm Panjang Kalung : 50 cm
Material Type: Kain ecoprint, Tembaga, Batu, Parchment leather

Inspired by one of Yogyakarta's Sumbu Filosofi, Panggung Krapyak. It is used as a place to scout during hunting season by royals.
It is made of parchment leather with tatah sungging (leather sculpting) traditional technique, decorated by beads.
We collaborate with Ibu Wagiyem, tatah sungging artisan and Pak Tejo, metalsmithing artisan.

Joglo Ayu Tenan Di Yogyakarta

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Discover Joglo Ayu Tenan from Yogyakarta where fashion meets cultural inspiration, sustainable materials, and the empowerment of women artisans and individuals with disabilities. Our stunning fashion accessories blend local traditions with contemporary design, all crafted with eco-friendly materials. Each piece tell a unique story and represents the skill and passion of our talented artisans. Join us in celebrating cultural heritage, promoting sustainability, and supporting artisans. Embrace the beauty of Joglo Ayu Tenan and make a meaningful impact.