
Semi-Silk Viscose Batik Fabric Size 2 meter Handmade By IwearLure

Rp 150,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Batik
Pattern Name: Truntum
Pattern Meaning: Motif batik ini bermakna cinta yang tumbuh kembali. Ia menciptakan motif ini sebagai simbol cinta yang tulus tanpa syarat, abadi, dan semakin lama semakin terasa subur berkembang (tumaruntum). Karena maknanya, kain bermotif truntum biasa dipakai oleh orang tua pengantin pada hari pernikahan. Harapannya adalah agar cinta kasih yang tumaruntum ini akan menghinggapi kedua mempelai.
Material Type: Viscose
Size: 2 meter x 115 cm
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis
Fabric Making Technique: Cap

IwearLure Banten

MSME Profile

IwearLure started in 1998 in South Tangerang – Banten by Ibu Pudji Herini. In the beginning she sold leather shoes, produced by Indonesian UMKM at the time. After that, IwearLure transitioned to be a women clothing retailer. The ability to provide a better life for our employees is one of the main reasons that motivate us to continue working on the business. This is done so that this organization can bring positive impact on our social environment. For the past 14 years, IwearLure is able to produce 3000 pieces of clothes per month or about 36000 pieces of clothes per year.