
Banana Round Basket

Rp 250,000

Product Description :

Dimension: Ø 44 x HT 4,6 cm
Material Type: Banana Bark

Tangan-tangan kreatif mampu menyulap limbah menjadi emas. Lihatlah utas-utas batang pisang kering yang berjalin menawan hati ini. Difungsikan sebagai keranjang laundry, wadah majalah yang baru saja dibaca, atau bahkan pelapis pot tanaman hias, ia akan tampil sama cantiknya.

Indo Risakti Di Yogyakarta

MSME Profile

Married couple Windu Sinaga and Riris Simanjuntak dreamed of owning their own company before they were 40 years old. They dream of entrepreneurs who can preserve the richness of Indonesian culture and empower the surrounding community. Riris already has work experience in the craft industry, while Windu is excited to learn from scratch. They participate in an exhibition after the exhibition to increase their knowledge and understand the market. The persistent struggle finally paid off. This dream was realized through the establishment of PT Indo Risakti in 2012.