
Pashmina Ecoprint motif Teh-tehan pewarna Tegeran

Rp 300,000

Product Description :

Dimension: 180 x 60 cm
Material Type: Rayon cotton

Our cotton rayon pashmina with ecoprint motif is a true testament to the harmonious blend of nature and craftsmanship. We source wild tea leaves, carefully selected for their rich colors and unique patterns, to create stunning motifs through the ecoprint technique. These motifs are then brought to life using Tegeran natural dyeing, a traditional and sustainable dyeing process that enhances the beauty and depth of the colors. The result is a collection of pashminas that exude elegance, while being environmentally friendly. Each pashmina is meticulously handcrafted, ensuring exceptional quality and attention to detail. Our cotton rayon pashminas with ecoprint motif are the perfect accessory to add a touch of sophistication and natural beauty to any outfit, making a statement about your commitment to both style and sustainability.

House of Distraw Di Yogyakarta

MSME Profile

Indonesia memiliki lebih dari 30 ribu spesies flora. Namun, banyak di antaranya tidak lagi dikenali. Kesadaran untuk membuka kembali ingatan pada kekayaan botani bumi pertiwi, disertai niat menciptakan produk yang ramah lingkungan, menginspirasi Dini Wiradisastra untuk menggagas House of Distraw pada 12 Maret 2017. Dari permukiman yang sibuk, usaha yang berakar pada anugerah alam ini melesat tumbuh sembari mengeja dan menghargai setiap tahapan proses, dengan sesedikit mungkin mencederai lingkungan. Lewat teknik ecoprint, teknik shibori dan teknik celup warna alam, House of Distraw me-reintroduksi ragam teknik motif yang kerap belum disadari keindahannya.