Indonesian Snacks

Denayu Wedang Telang

Rp 25,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 125 gr (5 sachets @ 25 gr)
Material Content: Butterfly pea flower, lemongrass, cinnamon, cardamom, lime, sugar
Variant / Flavor: Powder

SEPERTI biru yang dilantarkannya, bunga telang (Clitoria ternatea) seakan
menjanjikan ketenangan ketika diseduh. Tanaman rambat yang mudah
ditemukan di pekarangan ini konon merupakan antidepresan alami dan
dipercaya dapat menajamkan daya ingat. Lewat serbuk instan, beragam
manfaat pun hadir bersama sensasi kecut segar jeruk nipis.

MSME Profile

CV Centrindo Kurnia Tritama is an The small-medium enterprises (SME) that produces botanical drinks and tea with the main raw material of spices under the Denayu and WEDANGKU brand. Wedang Uwuh, is the flagship botanical drink of Jogjakarta known as An intangible cultural heritage now days. In the production process, it empowers residents around the production site, especially women. The resulting product has a NIB (9120415021709) BPOM distribution permit for every product, Halal certificate (ID34210000191880721), and HACCP from BBIA (220080/BSKJI/BBIA/MS-LSS.2/I/2022). Our Production capacity is 30,000 packs per month by 20 employees.