Indonesian Snacks

Sambal BonRoa

Rp 37,500

Product Description :

Net Weight: 140 gr
Material Content: Ikan Cakalang, Ikan Roa, Cabe, dan Rempah-rempah
Variant / Flavor: Roa dan Cakalang Fufu

BonRoa Sambal is a spicy, Chili and smoked Garfish - based sauce, a most sought after edible souvenirs by local tourist or traveller in Manado. BonRoa - Sambal Roa Manado has another 2 flavors, Sambal Cakalang and Sambal Roa Cumi. ( a mixture of Garfish and squid spicy sauce ). Processed from freshed ingredient with unique family recipes, made BonRoa - Sambal Roa Manado a distinguished culinary side dish you will longing for.

De Harvest Sulawesi Utara

MSME Profile

Located in Tomohon City, North Sulawesi Province, we were founded in 2016, seeing that there are many raw materials that are abundant in areas which we think have not been utilized optimally, we are moved to be able to optimally utilize these raw materials to become traditional packaged culinary delights that can enter the modern market . Raising regional cultural heritage so that it is increasingly recognized through packaging culinary creations.