Indonesian Snacks


Rp 30,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 120gr
Material Content: Mandai, chili, garlic, oil etc
Variant / Flavor: -

Samday is a processed mandai product that is made into chili sauce

Mandai itself is the skin of the cempedak fruit that has been fermented and then processed into mandai sauce with the addition of other spices.

Dapur Mama Dildan Kalimantan Selatan

MSME Profile

Mama Dildan is one of the SMEs in the city of Banjarbaru. this venture pioneered by Heldawati who is engaged in the culinary field with processed fish products, started running the business since 2016, starting with processed sapat fish to bring souvenirs from relatives on the island of Java. It turned out to be very popular there. Then start for developing business by processing legality and improving easy-to-carry packaging. The products produced by Mama Dildan are: Saprinyah (crispy sapat fish), Salunyah (crispy fried saluang fish), Saltung (floured salung fish), and Telamas (sweet and sour salted eggplant fish). spicy).