Indonesian Snacks

Dimsum Ayam'16

Rp 59,900

Product Description :

Net Weight: 350gr
Material Content: Daging Ayam Filet Tapioka Minyak wijen Minyak ikan Garam, gula
Variant / Flavor: -

premium chicken dimsum contains 16

Made of :
Chicken Filet
Sesame oil
Fish oil
Salt, sugar


Serving method:
1. Remove from the freezer, wait until it melts before steaming (so the filling will definitely cook).
2. Serve with dimsum sauce.

Dapoer Intan Banten

MSME Profile

PT Handaru Nusantara Gemilang adalah Food Manufacture yang membuat olahan ikan, ayam dan daging. Produk Best Selulernya adalah Pepes Bandeng Duri Lunak dengan Brand Dapoer Intan.