Zenvin Langsing Koe
Net Weight: 100ml
Material Content: Daun Jati Belanda, Kunyit Putih Mangga, Jahe Merah, Kunyit, Madu Hutan, Gula Pasir.
Variant / Flavor: Zenvin Langsing Koe
Zenvin Langsing Koe merupakan minuman Jamu yang bermanfaat dapat memperlancar BAB, mengurangi nafsu makan, baik diminum Wanita dan Pria. Sebaiknya tidak dikonsumsi ibu hamil atau menyusui dan dibawah 16 tahun
MSME Profile
Zenvin is a brand of ready-to-drink herbal beverages (jamu) from Berau, East Kalimantan. Our products are made from various local herbs and spices, combined with forest honey. They have undergone laboratory testing and meet the requirements of the National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM), ensuring they are safe to consume at any time.