
Premium Tile Cepolan

Rp 70,000

Product Description :

Dimension: The length of the fabric before stitching is approximately 30 meters with a width of 10 cm. After stitching, the diameter becomes 20 cm.
Size: The diameter: 20 cm and height: 10 cm.
Material Type: Tile Premium

Premium Tile Cepolan is a necessity for hijab to tie hair, to make it tidier and make the hijab look more voluminous. With light tile material which is very comfortable to use, this is a handmade creative work by Bylilu craftsmen.

Bylilu Lhokseumawe

MSME Profile

Bylilu Hijabstore One of the local Aceh hijab brands that provides the needs of Muslim women in hijabs of various sizes and a variety of quality materials. Products are available from standard size, jumbo, syar'i hijab as well as children's hijab. Hijab is self-designed and carries traditional and authentic Aceh culture motifs. Several items from Bylilu are handmade and produced by local HR. At Bylilu Hijabstore also provides various needs of hijabers such as: Various inner hijabs, various loose ends, accessories and other supporting hijab needs that are up to date so that they can be accepted in all circles 😊 Than'k you