Kain Daun Simpor (Simpor leaves)
Fabric Type: Batik
Pattern Name: Simpor leaves (Daun Simpor)
Pattern Meaning: Daun simpor atau bahasa latinnya Dillenia suffruticosa tanaman yang ada di Indonesia dan ada pada daerah tertentu saja. Salah satunya di Pulau Bangka dan Pulau Belitung. Simpor ini punya daun yang lebar sehingga bisa digunakan untuk membungkus, sebelum berbunga akan tampak seperti bulatan sebesar kelereng dan akan mekar sebagai bunga yang indah yang didalamnya terdapat biji - bijian yang disukai burung (Simpor leaves, or its Latin name Dillenia suffruticosa, is a plant found in Indonesia and is specific to certain regions. One of these regions is on the islands of Bangka and Belitung. Simpor has broad leaves that can be used for wrapping. Before blooming, it appears as round as marbles and will blossom into beautiful flowers containing seeds that are favored by birds)
Material Type: Katun Primisima
Size: 230 cm x 115 cm
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis
Fabric Making Technique: Tulis
MSME Profile
Batik Kampung Katak is a premium batik that elevates the local wisdom of Bangka Belitung in the form of hand drawn batik, stamped and combinations in the form of cloth or ready to wear. Since 2020, Batik Kampung Katak has introduced the world of business and industry to SLB (Special School) children, and one of them has become an employee.