
Junjung Sahang

Rp 1,150,000

Product Description :

Fabric Type: Batik
Pattern Name: Junjung Sahang
Pattern Meaning: Dalam pengembangan tanaman Lada di kawasan bekas penambangan biji Timah yaitu Team Teijsmann melakukan seleksi bibit unggul dan berinovasi menciptakan sistem junjung. Junjung merupakan tonggak kayu untuk merambatnya tanaman Lada. Diameter kayu sekitar 25 cm dengan tinggi 2 hingga 3 meter. Junjung tanaman Lada itu dipilih dari kayu yang kuat, tahan lama dari jenis mendaru dalam jumlah banyakk. Satu junjung diperlukan untuk setiap pohon Lada (In the development of pepper plants in the former tin mining area, namely Team Teijsmann, they conduct the selection of superior seeds and innovate by creating a "junjung" system. Junjung is a wooden pole used for the pepper plants to climb. The wooden pole has a diameter of about 25 cm and a height of 2 to 3 meters. The junjung for the pepper plants is chosen from strong and durable mendaru wood in large quantities. One junjung is needed for each pepper plant)
Material Type: Sutra
Size: 200 cm x 115 cm
Coloring Type: Pewarna Sintetis
Fabric Making Technique: Tulis

Batik Kampung Katak Kepulauan Bangka Belitung

MSME Profile

Batik Kampung Katak is a premium batik that elevates the local wisdom of Bangka Belitung in the form of hand drawn batik, stamped and combinations in the form of cloth or ready to wear. Since 2020, Batik Kampung Katak has introduced the world of business and industry to SLB (Special School) children, and one of them has become an employee.