
Tote bag songket

Rp 275,000

Product Description :

Dimension: 38x10x29
Material Type: Songket

Tote bag berbahan dasar songket.

Spesifikasi :

  • - bahan outer songket.
  • - bahan inner katun
  • - tali webbing dilapis songket panjang 36 cm.
  • - ada kantong dalam


MSME Profile

Aya_ko was founded in mid-2017 with the initial concept of producing simple bags such as lunch bags and tote-type bags and small wallets. Along with requests to display Riau characteristics, we finally tried to display a Tote bag made from songket and Alhamdulillah received a good response in the market. eversince then, Aya_ko has made various bag designs by incorporating a few elements from Riau Wastra such as Riau batik and songket. In an effort to use natural materials, Aya_ko also displays bags made from natural jute and also gets a good response in the market.