Indonesian Snacks

Abon Kelapa Original Box

Rp 47,000

Product Description :

Net Weight: 200
Material Content: Buah Kelapa Segar, Rempah dan Kacang Sangrai
Variant / Flavor: Original

Abon Kelapa Cap Koki is made from fresh coconut meat, which is specially processed with a variety of spices to give it a crunchy taste and a balanced sweet and savory combination. In addition, roasted peanuts are added to further enrich the taste. Packed in aluminum foil and a box makes Abon Kelapa Cap Koki can last a long time.

Abon Cap Koki Purwokerto

MSME Profile

Abon Cap Koki is a ready-to-eat processed beef with premium quality. Unlike other shredded products, Abon sapi Cap Koki has the texture of the meat fibers which are still intact, so it is very crunchy and the combination of savory and sweet flavors is very pronounced on the tongue. It is suitable for consumption by all ages, especially modern families, travelers and suitable as souvenirs. There are two flavors, original and spicy